Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Petition against terror

Now this is a positive development in an otherwise bloody civilisational clash. Arab News carried a news item in its Oct 30 edition headlined, Stop Terror Sheikhs, Muslim Academics Demand.
Over 2,500 Muslim intellectuals from 23 countries have signed a petition to the United Nations calling for an international treaty to ban the use of religion for incitement to violence.

It also calls on the Security Council to set up a tribunal to try “the theologians of terror.” The petition is addressed to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and to all members of the Security Council and its current chairman.

“There are individuals in the Muslim world who pose as clerics and issue death sentences against those they disagree with,” says Shakir Al-Nablusi, a Jordanian academic and one of the signatories. “These individuals give Islam a bad name and foster hatred among civilizations.”
Read the Arab News article here.
Read the complete petition in English in Middle East Transparent website

Apparently you can add your name too.

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